

i want off!

i want off this damn roller coaster!!

the ups & downs are killing me. one minute i've convinced myself that i am pregnant. the next i'm sure i'll never have a baby. today I'm 14dpo. today i got a BFN. today I have to work 30hrs & be surrounded by babies. today my heart hurts.


  1. ::hug:: Sorry for the BFN, I know how it feels. Hopefully work goes fast for you.

  2. I am sorry you are going through this roller coaster, I was going through it some months ago, but now I am focusin on my health and thinking in posititve because once the baby come he or she is here to stay and the time with my husband might be linited to I enjoy our company.

    Enjoy each day and soon you will have your dream healthy baby.

  3. thanks yall! i really appreciate it!
